10 minutes Alexis Ren ab workout

 Alexis Ren ab workout beginners also can follow this workout and take benefits.

Image source: Wikipedia

If you want abs like Alexis ren then I am gonna tell you about Alexis ren ab workout. This is gonna be an insane abs workout.

I have also given a brief summary of abs workouts. Do check this out.

This workout routine will help you to make that core tight and get visible abs. The best thing is all these exercises need no equipment. It's gonna be a massive Abs workout.

Here is a brief guide of Calisthenics ab workout without equipments.

How to do this abs workout

To get visible abs you should follow these workouts 3 times a week. Take 48 hours rest between each workout session.

  • Monday - Abs workout
  • Tuesday - Rest
  • Wednesday - Abs workout
  • Thursday - Rest
  • Friday - Abs workout
  • Saturday - Rest
  • Sunday - Rest

Take 15 seconds to break between each exercise. Do each workout for 30 seconds if you're a beginner and if you are at intermediate level then do each exercise for 45 seconds and take 15 seconds to rest between each exercise.

Alexis Ren ab workout

Here is Alexis ren ab workout list

  • Sit-ups - 45 situps- This exercise work on your upper abs.
  • Knee touch crunches - 60 knee touch crunches - This exercise is a variation of situps. This exercise also trains your upper abdominal muscles.
  • Bicycle crunches - 45 Bicycle crunches - This exercise trains your upper and lower abdominal at the same time.  In this exercise, you have to do the motion of the bicycle.
  • Heel touches - 45 Heel touches - You should train your obliques or side abs. This exercise work on your obliques. You should try this exercise
  • Russian twists - 45 Russian twists - This exercise also activates your obliques muscle.
  • Flutter kicks - 60 Flutter kicks - Flutter kicks train lower abdominal muscles.
  • Leg raises - 60 Leg raises - Leg raises help us to activate lower abs.
  • Plank - 1 min Plank - Plank increase the stability during the workout. Do at least 30 seconds plank if you are a beginner.
  • Right side plank - 30 seconds - Right side plank trains right side of obliques. This is an isolation exercise for right side obliques.
  • Left side plank - 30 seconds - Left side plank trains left side of obliques muscle. This is an isolation exercise for left obliques.
  • Spider climber - 30 seconds - This is also an obliques trainer exercise.

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