Top 10 Resistance Band Bicep Workout at Home for Beginners

 Want bigger arms and biceps with this Resistance band Bicep workout.

Top 10 Resistance Band Bicep Workout at Home for Beginners
Image Sorce: Muscle & Fitness

If you can not go to the gym daily or you are traveling then how can you do a strength workout? You cannot bring dumbbells and weight then you should use a resistance band workout.

So I bring this Resistance band bicep workout for beginners.

But that does not mean only beginners can workout with resistance, even intermediate and advanced bodybuilders can workout with resistance bands.

If you can not go to the gym for any reason then a resistance band is an effective way to gain a big size of biceps and you can achieve your goal at home by just doing these Resistance band Bicep workouts. 

These workouts can grow your muscles and activate your biceps fibers very effectively. These workouts will really work on all your biceps heads. All you have to do is work out at home and get great results. If you are a beginner and want to gain biceps at home.

 If you are a beginner you can build good strength and muscle but if you are at an Intermediate level then order. You can use resistance bands with higher resistance for better muscle activation.

If you don't have any resistance band or want resistance bands with higher resistance check out down below.

Resistance band bicep exercise

Resistance band biceps exercise for beginners. This workout routine can be really helpful for biceps size gain. Do 3 sets of each exercise till failure in each set, which means all sets will be supersets in this resistance band bicep workout routine.

Resistance band arm workout for mass

This is the best resistance band arm workout for mass. If you're gaining and want the bigger size of your arms after shred then you should follow these workouts. 

No matter if you are doing this workout with a resistance band or not. If you do these workouts with heavy resistance then it will definitely give you the best pump.

Resistance band bicep workout

This resistance band workout helps you to build big biceps. You can use a resistance band or a resistance tube to do these exercises. Do not go with the fixed reps in-home workout. This does not give you any pump and muscle tension. 

Reps should reach the failure, and each set will be the drop set.

Let's start with our first warm-up exercise.


Image Sorce: Runtastic

The best exercise for biceps at home is push-ups and pushups is a simple movement exercise. 

You can build strength rapidly if you are a beginner or you can do this exercise as a warm-up. You can get an initial amount of muscle mass with pushups.

How to do:

  1. First lay upside down on the floor and place your hand on the floor such that they are at equal distance to the width of your shoulders.
  2. Push your body up with the strength of your arms or Biceps. Due to this movement, your Biceps stretch.
  3. Then slowly go down by bending your elbows and squeeze your biceps. Note that if you want more pumps in your biceps you should do this exercise slowly.
  4. Repeat

Resistance Band push-ups

Exercising push-ups with a resistance band, you will have to exert more strength while doing pushups.

How to do:

  1. Start with the push-ups position.
  2. Then place the band under your both hand and at the back as shown in the picture.
  3. Then do normal push-ups.
  4. The resistance bands will make push-ups more difficult to do.
  5. Repeat

Resistance Band Dumbbell Curls

This is a good resistance band bicep workout. Resistance band dumbbell curls without dumbbells will be very good exercise to do for the biceps. Do as many reps as you can do in one set.

How to do:

  1. Grab the band and fix the middle part of the band under your feet.
  2. Set your feet at the distance of your shoulders width.
  3. Then lift your palm up and bring it near your shoulders without loving your elbows and squeeze your videos.
  4. Back to your starting position and complete the rep.
  5. Repeat

Resistance Band Alternate Curls

Alternate curls are similar to biceps curls and I think this is more effective than biceps curls if we do it by my techniques.

Technique 1: Bring one hand up and hold the hand at a 90° angle making it by your arms and then do the biceps curls with the other hand.

Technique 2: Do the curls with one hand while you are holding the other one in your hand when you complete the reps. Then do the same with the other hand.

Resistance Band Hammer Curls

Many of you may say that hammer curls with a resistance band don't work on biceps but I have a solution: either you can buy a resistance band with high resistance or you can just spread your band more with your legs.

How to do:

  1. Grab the band and fix the middle part of the band under your feet.
  2. Make sure you grab the band as a hammer.
  3. Lift your palm up and bring it close to your shoulders.
  4. Your palms should face each other.

Resistance band concentration curls

Concentration curls with resistance bands are an effective exercise as the concentration curls with dumbbells. It will give you a pump as with the dumbbells. 

This exercise will work on your biceps peak or the long head of your bicep.

How to do:

  1. Grab the resistance band in one hand.
  2. Sit on a chair or a bench and hold the band with your foot at some distance from the position where you grab the band with your hand.
  3. Then bring your hand up close to your shoulder by the strength of your biceps, without moving your elbow.
  4. Slowly back to your starting position and feel the stretch in your bicep.
  5. Then do this exercise with your other hand.
  6. Repeat

Resistance band Overhead curls

This exercise can add significant muscle mass to your biceps. You can do this exercise with a resistance band. 

All you have to do is simply attach your resistance band to the door with the help of a door anchor. 

Most of the resistance band companies give door anchors with their product if you have not just checked out the other one.

How to do:

  1. Fix the band on the door at the height of your neck.
  2. Grab both of the ends and bring close both hands together near your chest.
  3. Squeeze your biceps and back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat

If you want to get a big bulge in your biceps does this exercise is the most effective exercise.

Resistance band Reverse hand biceps curl

If you want the mass in your biceps, add this exercise to your workout routine. This is one of the best bicep exercises for mass. 

How to do:

  1. Hold the middle part of the band on your feet.
  2. Grab the band from its ends. Make sure you make a reverse grip your palms should face the floor.
  3. Then bring your hand up without moving your elbows and squeeze.
  4. Back to your starting position.
  5. Repeat

This exercise will work on the external part of your biceps known as the brachialis

If you like this resistance band bicep workout then share this with your friends and gym partner.


Ques. Can we do the bicep workout with a resistance band?

Ans. Yes, you can do bicep workouts with a resistance band or resistance tube here is one of the best resistance band bicep workouts. 

You can follow these exercises and start to build muscles.

Ques. Can resistance bands build arms?

Ans. A resistance band can build your arms if you do the right exercise with the correct form for your arms. 

If you are a beginner or an intermediate you can easily build arms or any muscle with a resistance band but there are some limitations to the resistance band.

It can be difficult to do some exercises with a resistance band.

If your goal is fitness or gaining some muscle so that you can look more attractive in clothes or you are traveling for some weeks you can workout with resistance bands.

But if you want to reach the one-rep max or you want competitive physic.

This is not possible to do with a resistance band. You must exercise with dumbbells, weights, barbells, etc.

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