Best Biceps workout routine with dumbbells

If you only have one pair of dumbbells and want to grow your biceps only with the use of a pair of dumbbells. Then you’re at the right place. In this article, we are going to discuss the biceps workout routine with dumbbells. You can grow your biceps with this workout routine.

Best Biceps workout routine with dumbbells

In this workout plan, we are focusing on hypertrophy or muscle growth. How many sets to do, how to do exercise, and all are mentioned in this workout routine. Perform all the exercises with the full range of motion and with proper mind and muscle connection this will help to develop your biceps more effectively.

The biceps consist of 2 parts brachii and brachialis, and the bachii has 2 heads: the long head and the short head. And we are going to train both heads and brachialis of the biceps, to give your biceps a complete look at any angle.

Biceps workout with dumbbells

So, here is the biceps workout routine with dumbbells. Perform each and every exercise eccentric slowly ( the phase when you are performing the motion of lengthening the muscle).

Biceps curl

This is a traditional exercise for the biceps which has been done for decades. You can do this exercise alternately and together. Biceps curls train the long head and the short head of the biceps brachii muscle. It is better to perform this exercise with a full range of motion.

How to do:

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand straight, keep your core tight and chest out.
  • Keep your arms straight, and your palm facing forward.
  • Curl your one hand up by being the dumbbell straight up to your shoulder without bending your elbow.
  • At this position, your palm should face toward your shoulder.
  • Hold this position for a second and let your biceps squeeze properly for a better pump.
  • Bring it back down at the starting position. Curls up your second hand, and continue doing the same again and again with both hands.

Do 10 to 16 reps of 3 to 4 sets of this exercise. And let's move on to our next biceps workout routine with dumbbells.

Hammer curls

One of the great exercises to work on is the biceps brachialis muscle. It will help to grow your brachialis which makes your biceps look more in width. If your biceps are lacking in width you have to perform this exercise in order to grow the biceps brachialis muscle.

The main problem with this exercise is that most people do not do this exercise properly and it shifts the load from the biceps brachialis to the biceps brachii or the head of the biceps muscles. Make sure you are performing this exercise as it is given below.

Do not go fast with your reps, keep them as slow as possible.

How to do:

  • First, stand straight, do not bend forward, and keep your core rights and chest out.
  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and make a neutral grip, hang your both hands should aside straight.
  • Your palm should face toward your tights and bring your hand up without moving your elbow.
  • When you're about to finish curling, slightly twist your wrist a bit in pronation.
  • Bring your hands back down straight and let your bicep get stretched.
  • Perform the same with your other hand.
  • Keep your reps as slow as possible.

Let's move on to the next exercise

Reverse curls

This is another exercise that works on the bicep brachialis muscle. It helps to make your biceps width. Perform this exercise with the full range of motion and do not perform half reps. Try not to hurt your reps, keep the negatives as slow as possible.

How to do:

  • Keep the same standing position, core tight, and chest up.
  • Make a grip on the pair of dumbbells, for this exercise we are going to make a pronated grip.
  • Keep your hands hanging side to side straight and your palm should face behind your back.
  • Curl up your wrist without any movement in your elbow, and squeeze your biceps at the top.
  • Hold for a second, and let your brachialis muscle squeeze properly.
  • Do not try to pronate your wrist properly; it can be a bit angled or tilted.
  • Bring your hand back to its starting position.

Our next exercise of this biceps workout routine with dumbbells.

Zottman curls

This exercise is made with a mix of two exercises. Which helps to develop the overall muscle of your biceps. Zottman curls are modified from the reverse curls and biceps curls. And in this exercise, you have to perform 2 curls together in order to complete one rep.

In this exercise you have to start from doon concentric biceps curls then twist your wrist and perform a reverse curl and again twist your wrist and perform the eccentric biceps curls. To know about this exercise in detail read the following how to do it and if you cannot understand the movement then watch the full video shown above.

How to do:

  • Stand straight, core tight, and keep your chest out.
  • Grab the pair of dumbbells and perform a biceps curl. (This movement is the concentric phase of biceps curls)
  • When you curl up without holding at the top, twist your wrist inside it to make your pronated grip, and then bring it down. (Eccentric or negative reverse curl)
  • Curl it up again (Concentric phase of reverse curl), and without holding it at the top, twist your wrist outward and it will make your wrist in a supinated position.
  • Then bring it straight down and stretch your biceps muscle. (Eccentric of biceps curls).

This whole movement will work on both your head and the brachialis muscle of the biceps.

Concentration curls

One of the great exercises for the biceps among all the exercises out there. Concentration curls really work on your long head of biceps. In this exercise, you have to concentrate on each arm individually. This will help to train the biceps effectively and help to strengthen the weaker arm.

How to do:

  • First, seat down on a chair or a bench and grab a dumbbell with one hand.
  • Place the triceps of your hand on the thigh with which you are holding your dumbbell.
  • Hang your hand straight down and knuckles pointing downward.
  • Breathe in and curl your arm, get it close to your face, and do not hit your face with a dumbbell.
  • Squeeze your bicep at the top and hold this for a second.
  • Bring it back down and breathe out.
  • Repeat.

Next exercise is

Incline dumbbell curls

This is another exercise that works on your bicep long head or that peak of the biceps. And probably the most difficult exercise for the biceps. Do the reps with lightweight and do not try to lift heavy for this exercise. If you lie on the incline bench and hang your arms it will give a good stretch on your biceps which lead to biceps growth.

 If you do not have any incline bench then you can use a chair for this and lie on it straight. Maybe it's not comfortable for you but you have to do this if you do not have an incline bench.

How to do:

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie on the bench or chair.
  • Hang your arm straight pointing towards the ground.
  • Bring the dumbbell up or curl them up without moving your elbow.
  • Squeeze your biceps at the top and hold for a second.
  • Bring it back down slowly.
  • Repeat it again.

Do 10 to 16 reps of 3 to 4 sets for this exercise. And perform the eccentric as slowly as possible.

So this was a biceps workout with a dumbbell. Now let's move on to our routine for this.

Biceps workout routine with dumbbells

This is the biceps workout routine with dumbbells for your biceps day. You can adjust this workout in your workout routine. Decrease 2 reps after each set and if you have different weighted dumbbells increase the weight as well after each set.

Do train 2 days a week for fast growth.

  • Biceps curls - for 4 sets of 10 to 16 reps.
  • Zottman curls - for 3 sets of 10 to 16 reps. (2 reps will decrease after each set)
  • Hammer curls - for 3 sets of 10 to 16 reps. (Make sure to pronate your wrist a bit during the curl.)

This workout routine is modified to work on overall biceps muscle mass increase.

  • Incline dumbbell curls - 4 sets for 10 to 16 reps
  • Concentration curls - 3 sets for 10 to 16 reps.
  • Reverse curls - 3 sets for 10 to 16 reps.

And this is the end of this biceps workout routine with dumbbells. Do make sure that you're taking eight rest and eating enough protein in order to grow your biceps.

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