Top 10 exercises| Blast your legs with this Cable leg workout

Grow your legs fast with this Cable leg workout.

Blast your legs with this Cable leg workout

Cable machines are one of the best equipment to workout for a full body. Anyone can train the upper and lower body with the help of a cable machine. Because you can adjust the resistance according to your goal. You can adjust the weight, adjust the direction and adjust the body posture and muscle account to your convenience.

In this article, we are going to learn about cable leg workout so that you can train your legs with a cable machine too. You're gonna read about exercise, how to do the exercise and which muscles are trained by exercise. You can also train your legs with calisthenics, for more information you can check Calisthenics legs workout on our website.

There are many cable leg exercises that are not effective enough to build legs. The exercises which are not effective In all those exercises, push or pull is not done against the resistance. These exercises are sorted from all the cable leg exercises according to effectiveness. Throughout this article, we listed such exercises which will really help to build your legs.

Cable leg workout

Do each exercise with proper mind and muscle connection. Perform 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 14 reps in each. Try to do a complete range of motion with the highest weight you can go with. If you are not able to do the full range of motion with an "x" amount of weight then you should drop the weight.

Try to do the correct form with the weight. You must have to choose this much weight so that you can do 8 to 14 reps with the correct form. Take 30 to 45 seconds to rest between each set. Here we're gonna train quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

So, here is our first cable leg workout.

Cable squats

This is an advanced version of cable squats. Cable squats work on the quad muscle very effectively and train the hamstring and glutes too. This exercise helps you to build massive strength if you do progressive overload. You have to lift the weight you added to the machine and your body weight. Here the resistance of the cable machine is not straight down so you have to keep your body close to the machine.

How to do:

  • Choose weight according to your capacity to lift.
  • Grab the straight bar with an underhand grip and keep your back straight and core tight.
  • Bring your body close to the ground by bending your knees.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor when you just passed the parallel position of your tights to floor hold for a second.
  • Then push yourself up with the strength of your legs.
  • Make sure to breathe in when you are going to do a rep and breathe out when you just performed one rep.
  • Repeat.

The next exercise of this cable leg workout is

Cable hamstring squats

This exercise is similar to the cable squats but this exercise is more glutes and hamstrings dominant. Cable hamstring squats are one of the best exercises if you are doing this for glutes and hamstrings. To engage more of your glutes and hamstrings you have to take a couple steps back and then perform the cable squat. Of Course, this exercise is a bit different here is how to do this exercise.

How to do:

  • Adjust the weight and make an overhand grip on a straight bar.
  • Take one or two steps back and lean your body behind.
  • This movement will engage your hamstring and glutes more.
  • Make sure to keep your back straight and core tight throughout the workout.
  • Bring yourself down by bending your knees, keeping your knees tucked in not flaring out.
  • Hold for a second at the position when you're tight just pass the parallel position to the floor.
  • Then push your body upward and breathe out.
  • Repeat.

The next exercise of cable leg workout is

Cable lateral lunges

For this exercise, you have to use a rope attachment in a cable machine. Lateral lunges work on the outer part of tights which is in the quadriceps muscle group. So this exercise is quad dominant and also trains glutes and calves. This exercise works on one leg at one time so you have to do the same reps and sets with each leg.

If you do this towards the cable machine it is more challenging and if you do it on the opposite side of the cable machine then it will be easier than the previous progression. We're gonna discuss the harder progression if you want to do the easier one you just have to do the same but on the opposite side.

How to do:

  • First, adjust the weight and make a grip on the rope at its end.
  • Choose one leg for this for example if you choose left.
  • Then face your left leg toward the cable machine. You should face the right side of the cable machine.
  • Take a couple of long steps to the right side approx three times your shoulder width.
  • Steps will be just opposite the cable machine.
  • Then keep your back straight, core tight, and breathe in. This is your starting position for this exercise
  • Take a long step towards the cable machine.
  • Bring your body close to the floor by bending your right leg knee.
  • Get as close as you can to the ground without bending your left leg and keep both feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold for a second and then push yourself up at your starting position of this exercise.
  • Repeat and do the same with the other leg.

Cable leg kickback

Another cable glutes exercise is here for you guys. This workout plan is with a cable machine and to take this as an advantage you can do most of the glutes exercise on the cable machine. You have to tie an ankle strap on your ankle and kickback this will work on your glutes most and a bit affect your hamstrings.

Do not choose heavyweight for this exercise, go with lightweight and high reps. Heavyweight can cause injury in the glutes and after that, you will not be able to walk. So take this seriously.

How to do:

  • Adjust weight according to your capacity.
  • Wrap the ankle strap and adjust the machine at a low height according to your ankle height.
  • Then you can take the support of the machine with your hands.
  • Keep your back straight and while keeping your leg straight kick backward.
  • Try to push with full strength and at the highest range then hold for a second.
  • Then slowly bring your leg back to its starting position. Do this movement very slow
  • Repeat.

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Legs training benefits

Cable Alternate step up

This is a better version of dumbbell alternate step up. In its dumbbell version, you have only vertical resistance which is downward. But in its cable version, you have continued diagonal resistance. This exercise trains quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. So it is a complete leg training exercise that works on all muscles. You can use a double cable machine for this exercise with a handle attachment. or with a single cable machine with the rope attachment.

How to do:

  • First, adjust the weight according to your lifting capability.
  • Place a bench or a chair just a step in front of you.
  • Grab the handle or rope then keep your shoulder aside close to your body.
  • Keep your arms and back straight and core tight.
  • Then breathe in and step one leg on the bench or higher place.
  • And push your body upwards towards the bench with the other leg.
  • Step another leg on the bench. Then back step down your first leg and then step down with another one.
  • Then do the same with switching the legs.
  • Repeat.

Cable Assisted Pistol Squat

This is the best exercise if you want to develop one leg strength. This exercise will help to increase your leg strength. The cable-assisted pistol squat is an easier version of the pistol squat. Because here the cable attachment is at a high level. Cable machine weights will help you push yourself up with one leg. It will be easier if you add more weight and it will be easier as you decrease the weight. This exercise works on your quads, hamstring, and glutes.

How to do:

  • Adjust the weight and keep your both legs straight while facing toward the cable machine.
  • Adjust the cable machine at a high level
  • Grab the attached handle to the machine and lift one leg straight up in front of you.
  • While keeping your back straight and core tight, bend your leg and get close to the ground.
  • When your tights just passed the position of parallel to floor hold for a second.
  • Then push yourself back upward.
  • Cable weight will support you to bring your body up.
  • Repeat and do the same with the other leg.

Cable Reverse Lunge

This is a cable machine variation of reverse lunges. This move is gonna work on the same muscle as reverse lunges, quads, hamstring, and glutes too. Adjust the cable machine at a low height. If you're not familiar with the lunges or it is difficult to balance during lunges this exercise is gonna help you with this. And using rope attachment is gonna be comfortable for everyone. What you have to do after adjusting the height and weight of the machine is written down.

How to do:

  • First, grab the attachment you choose and keep your back toward the cable machine.
  • Again keep your back straight and core tight and strong.
  • Take a couple of steps forward against the resistance.
  • Then along step back with one leg and bend your other leg and get close to the ground.
  • Hold for a second and then push yourself forward with your back leg.
  • Get back to the starting position.
  • Repeat.

Cable Single Leg Deadlifts

Single leg deadlift with cable variation is one of the best exercises for glutes and hamstrings muscles. Doing this exercise with cable will give the same and constant resistance to the glutes and hamstring muscles. Use a single handle for this exercise. Do this exercise with a full range of motion, and extend and contract your muscles as hard as you can.

How to do:

  • Grab the handle with one hand and keep the back straight and core tight.
  • While facing the cable machine forward take a couple of steps back.
  • Bend the same side of your leg and lift upward a bit. You have to bring the other leg backward. This is your starting position for this exercise.
  • Move your torso forward with your hand and bring your other leg backward.
  • Hold for a second and push your torso back and leg forward back to the starting position.
  • Repeat and do the same with the other leg.

Do 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 14 reps of this exercise.

Cable Calf Raises

The cable version of calf raise is very effective for calves. To make this exercise more challenging you can stand in a high place and then perform the same. Come full down and slow when performing the eccentric or lengthening of the muscle. Do each and every rep with the full range of motion.

How to do:

  • First, grab an attached straight bar and stand in a higher place.
  • Adjust cable machine at low height.
  • Keep your ball of feet in the higher place, keep your heels hanging freely in the air.
  • Keep your hands in front of you straight downwards.
  • Push yourself straight upwards by curling your heel, with the strength of your calves.
  • Then bring your heel back to the starting position.
  • Repeat.

Cable Pull Throughs

Cable pull-throughs are one of the best exercises for glutes on cable machines. You have to pull the weight from between and behind your legs. This exercise is gonna build your glutes and hamstrings. The cable pull-through is a very effective and popular exercise among powerlifters it helps to build strength for lifting heavy squats and deadlifts.

How to do:

  • Adjust the weight according to your capacity to lift.
  • Attach the rope cable attachment to the cable machine.
  • Then turn your back towards the cable machine. Adjust the cable machine at a low height.
  • Keep your back straight and grab the ends of the rope from between the legs.
  • While keeping your back straight, bend forward and do the movement of the deadlift.
  • Repeat.


Now you have to perform these exercises at your gym and gain the benefits of leg exercises. Most of the exercises are for the glutes and hamstring. And helpful for ladies because they like to train those muscles. To grow the muscle you have to give the same importance to rest and protein intake as to training. Be patient to get results and share this with your friends and gym partner.

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