Top 7 exericses| Get a bigger arm with this killer bicep and tricep workout

Every boy or man goes to the gym for different reasons and one of the reasons is to grow their arms size, to grow bicep and tricep muscles. Big arms look too good in t-shirts. And here we bring these Top 7 killer bicep and tricep workout to help you to reach your goals.

Get a bigger arm with this killer bicep and tricep workout

The exercises that help you to gain arm strength and build muscle are included in this workout. It consists of biceps and triceps isolation exercises that focus on one muscle at a time. These exercises are good for muscle gain and if you want to focus on the strength you need to focus on compound movement exercises.

You can train your biceps and triceps with these exercises on your arm day or any day training separately it will be helpful for you. We are performing 7 exercises which include 3 biceps moves and 4 triceps and we're hitting them alternately.

To make this exercise killer you have to do the superset for all the exercises except for the last triceps exercise. For those who don't know what superset is, basically when you just perform one set of first exercises (biceps exercise) then instead of resting, you have to perform the second exercise that's gonna be triceps exercise and then you can rest for 45 seconds to a minute. And you have to perform 3 sets of that.

We are doing these exercises in the range of 8 to 14 reps each set. Because it works on hypertrophy which is good for muscle growth.

Killer bicep and tricep workout

Get a bigger arm with this killer bicep and tricep workout

Alright, so let's start our first exercise of "killer biceps and triceps workout" which is a bicep workout.

EZ bar curls

EZ bar curls are one of the best exercises to gain biceps size and it works on the short head of the biceps. We are curling with the ez bar instead of the straight bar because the EZ bar works on the short head of the biceps. And if you develop your short head decently it will make your biceps look bigger.

How to do:

  • First, grab the EZ bar from the bending part and keep your arm straight down hanging.
  • Keep your back straight, shoulder back and chest out.
  • Curl your arms up and bring the bar close to your shoulders without moving your elbow.
  • Hold at the top and feel the contraction it develops mind and muscle connection.
  • Then bring the bar back to its starting position.
  • Make sure to focus on the negative part of exercise, when you drop the weight down.
  • Do 8 to 14 reps of this exercise and 3 to 4 sets.

Now we are going to superset this exercise with

EZ bar skull crushers

We are doing superset with this because we just did the EZ bar curls and it will be helpful if your gym is full of people and you're having a hard time finding the equipment you need.

This exercise works on the long head of the triceps muscle and it is an effective exercise for the triceps. The long head is the biggest part of the triceps muscle. If you work on the long head of your triceps it is gonna help you to give a big look to your arms.

How to do:

  • Lie on the bench facing upward and bring the barbell just above your head.
  • Then perform shoulder extension or bring the barbell a bit back so that it engages the triceps.
  • Your palms should face towards the direction of your legs.
  • Breathe in, curl your arms or bring them back down without moving your elbows.
  • Then push it back upwards and stop when your arm is almost straight and breathe out.
  • Repeat.
  • Do the negative phase of the exercise as slowly as you can and feel the triceps.
Movin' on to the next exercise of this "killer bicep and tricep workout".

Dumbbell hammer curls

We are performing this exercise while sitting on a bench because it helps not to swing your back during the exercise. It reduces the chances of cheating the exercise. Dumbbell hammer curls train the brachialis muscle of the outer part of the biceps muscle.
e. Choose the weight that you can perform 8 to 14 reps with. And it will be helpful to perform eccentric as slowly as possible.

How to do:

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit down on a bench or a chair.
  • Keep your hands down straight hanging the dumbbells.
  • And keep your back straight chest up core tight and keep your palms facing towards your tights.
  • Breathe in and curl one hand up with the least elbow movement and try to squeeze your biceps.
  • Then back it down and do the same with the other hand.
  • Repeat.

And we are going to superset this exercise with the next one. You have to drop one dumbbell down and perform the next exercise with one arm first and then with the same rep do it with the other arm.

Tate press

This is the exercise work on the triceps long and the lateral head. This exercise is done lying down and you have to pronate your wrist for this exercise. Doing this exercise with one arm at a time will help to build symmetry, you can grow both sides evenly and decrease the gap in strength and muscle.

How to do:

  • Lie down flat on the bench and keep one dumbbell one your hand.
  • Bring it straight up and without any bend in your arm, keep your hand pronated or your palm facing toward the direction of your feet.
  • Keep your arms straight and a bit cross to your other side of the shoulder, this move will engage your triceps.
  • Then bend your elbow and bring the dumbbell close to your shoulder and hold at this position for a second. This will stretch your triceps.
  • And then push it back up and squeeze.
  • Repeat this and do the same with the other hand as well.

This was our 2nd superset and let's move on to the last superset exercises. 

The next superset exercises are on the cable machine

Rope cable curls

Why do we choose this exercise to train our biceps? Because we are using the cable machine for this exercise. And the problem with the dumbbell and barbell curling is that we don't have continuous resistance and it is a plus point in cable machines.

We have that full range of motion for this exercise because it is a machine and we are not using the gravity resistance to lift.

Cable curls work on the biceps brachialis but we are performing this exercise with some variation. It will also work on your brachii muscles. And it will help to gain overall biceps strength.

How to do:

  • First, adjust the weight on the cable machine according to your lifting/curling strength.
  • We are using rope cable curls for the variation.
  • Attach the rope with the cable machine, and keep your back straight, and your chest out.
  • Breathe in and curl this weight up while your both palms are facing each other.
  • When you're just completing your curl, twist your wrist so that your pinky finger points outward.
  • Hold this for a second and then bring it back slowly and repeat.

The superset exercise to perform with this exercise is

Rope triceps pushdown

This is another exercise we are performing with a cable machine. Triceps pushdown works on your lateral head and long head of the triceps muscle. We are performing this exercise because the cable machine helps to correct the form of exercises for newbies or beginners.

How to do:

  • Adjust the weight and attach the rope attachment to the machine at the top level.
  • Then grab the rope at the starting loose or the part close to its steel part.
  • Keep your back straight, core tight and chest up.
  • It will be good if you lean forward a bit and take a couple of steps back from the cable machine.
  • Then start from your elbow bends at the angle of 90 degrees.
  • Breathe in and push it down and twist your knuckles slightly outward and squeeze your triceps.
  • Slowly bring it back up at 90 degrees and repeat.

Let's move on to the last exercise of this "killer bicep and tricep workout".

Underhand grip triceps pushdown

This is the variation of the triceps pushdown with an underhand grip. This grip develops the medial head of the triceps muscle. We are doing this exercise as an individual exercise and not doing superset with any kind of other exercises.

How to do:

  • Adjust the weight and set the machine at the top level with an EZ bar in the cable machine.
  • Keep your back straight, core tight and chest up. Lean forward just a bit without bending your back.
  • Then make a supinated grip or underhand grip on the bar.
  • Start from the elbow at 90 degrees and push it down until your arms are almost straight.
  • Hold at the lowest point for a second and perform the slow eccentric.
  • Repeat.

Do 8 to 14 reps of 3 to 4 sets of each exercise of this "killer bicep and tricep workout".


These were exercises to get bigger arms and this workout is gonna help you to reach your fitness and muscle gain goals. You can include or perform all of these exercises at your gym.

This workout plan is made by focusing on the shortest of equipment if you have a really hard time finding equipment in a crowded gym.

To grow your bicep and triceps muscles you have to workout and the important thing is that you have to give proper rest to your muscles and eat enough protein to repair the muscles. Do not train your arms too frequently, work on other muscles and give rest to each muscle, and do not overtrain.

This is the end of the killer bicep and tricep workout. Do focus on training frequency, rest, and protein intake to grow bigger arms.

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