Top 7 exercises| Six pack workout routine at home

Want to build six-pack abs at home without using any equipment? Then you come to the right place where we mention the best six pack workout routine at home which helps to build your strong core with visible six-pack abs. Read the full article so that you don't leave any information about how to build six-pack abs.

Top 7 exercises| Six pack workout routine at home
Credit: iStockphoto/Nikolas_jkd

For these exercises, you are not supposed to have any kind of equipment. You can perform these exercises at home, at the park, or anywhere you want. We include all the exercises which help to build your core strength from rectus abdominus to oblique muscle.

Perform each and every exercise with proper form and proper mind and muscle connection and it will build your abs. One important thing:- Abs are muscles and there is a layer of fat above the abs muscle. If you want to gain visible abs you have to remove the layer of fat and your body fat percentage should be 14% or below.

However, you can perform these exercises without using any equipment.

Six pack workout at home

If you're a beginner then these exercises are best for you. If you want to increase the effectiveness of this exercise you can include the resistance band or tubes or pull-up bar. Using equipment will help you to gain more strength. Otherwise, these exercises will also help you build abs.


This is our warm-up exercise for the core. Plank hold is an isometric exercise for abs that will help you to develop your core strength. This exercise works on the rectus abdominis (abs) and the obliques (side abs) muscle present in our core. Hold this position for 45 seconds to 1 minute.

How to do:

  • First, get down on the floor on your hands and on your toes or pushup position.
  • Shift your bodyweight from hand to forearms(hand to elbow).
  • keep your back straight, and your head, back, and butt should be in a straight-line position.
  • This is the plank position, hold this position and it will really help to build your core strength.

Abs crunches

This exercise is also known as half sit-ups. It works on the upper part of the rectus abdominus. Abs crunches are the better version of sit-ups because sit-ups work on the abs and hip flexors. And if you want to work on your core then the half situp is good enough for you. If you do the other half part of the situp it starts working on the hip flexors.

How to do:

  • Lie down straight on the floor, and keep your face towards the ceiling.
  • Then bend your knees and bring your feet close to your butt.
  • Don't arch your back, place it straight on the floor.
  • Then keep your hands behind the neck so that you can't take support with your hands.
  • Breathe in and pull your upper body upward close to your knees.
  • Don't pull your lower back keep it on the floor otherwise this move will become sit-ups.
  • Make sure not to pull your neck forward while you're pulling your upper body upwards. Keep it in a comfortable position throughout the exercise.
  • Then hold for a second and bring your upper back again to the starting position and breathe out.
  • Repeat.

Leg raises

This exercise can be performed on the pull-up bar and also in a lying position. Leg raises train the lower part of the rectus abdominus. Maybe you can do 25 above reps in abs crunches but this exercise is gonna be quite hard for you.

Try to do as many reps as you can in each set and perform 3 to 4 sets of this move. Perform this move with the full range of motion and this will help you to build lower abdominal muscle.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the floor facing upward and keep your hands close to your torso.
  • Bring your leg upward at some degree of angle. This will engage your core, which you can feel. This is the starting position of this move.
  • Then put both your hands just under your butt. This will help you to do the movement.
  • Keep your back straight, breathe in and pull your legs close to your chest or upwards without any bend on your legs.
  • Then bring it back to its starting position.
  • Repeat.

Russian twist

This exercise works on the obliques and sides of the abs muscles. If you want to build a strong core you should not ignore this exercise. Do this exercise with a full range of motion this will help to build your side abs.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the floor and keep your back straight.
  • Then bring your back up off the floor and then bring also the your legs.
  • Bend your knees and keep your knees angle at 90 degrees and keep your legs tucked in. This will make your core engage.
  • Then twist your torso to one side and touch the floor with both hands.
  • Bring your torso back straight and then twist your torso to the opposite side.
  • Repeat.

Make sure not to use momentum for this exercise. Do each and every rep as slowly as possible. This will help to get that oblique muscle pump.

Bicycle crunches

This is one of the best exercises for abs. This exercise can't be ignored if we are making a list of "Six pack workout routine at home" Bicycle crunches work on the entire core and this will really help to build that entire strong core. This exercise works on the rectus abdominus both upper and lower and obliques muscle.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the floor facing upward and bend your knees to bring them above in the air.
  • Bring your upper back updated too and your lower back should be flat down on the floor.
  • Then keep your hands behind the neck.
  • Bring your one elbow to the opposite side of the knee and squeeze your core.
  • Then do the same with the other sides of the elbow and knee.
  • Perform this exercise as you're running a bicycle.
  • Keep it moving.

Movin' on to the next exercise of "six pack workout routine at home".

Side plank raises

Side plank is the exercise that works on the oblique muscle and helps you to build an entire core. If you're not comfortable performing this exercise and can't do enough reps. Then you can perform a side plank hold and this exercise is similar to a plank hold. Perform this exercise regularly and gain core strength. And then gradually when you build the strength you will be able to do the side plank raises.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the floor on the side of your arm.
  • Get up with another arm and place the arm on the floor.
  • Keep your back straight, core tight, and place your feet on the floor in a comfortable position.
  • This is a side plank hold you can do this as well.
  • So, next to the side plank raise, you have to bend your back laterally towards the floor.
  • This movement will stretch your downside oblique and then push your back laterally just opposite to the side you have been bent first upward.
  • This move will squeeze the muscle of the downside oblique.
  • Repeat.


This is our last exercise of this "Six pack workout routine at home". Performing this exercise, at last, will finish our core. After performing this exercise at last your core will completely blast. This is an isolation exercise for the core which means you're not performing concentric and eccentric. Hold this position as many times as you can in 3 sets.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the floor on your back, face upward, and keep your lower back straight.
  • Then bring your feet above the ground at some degree of angle and bring your upper body slowly upward as you lift the feet.
  • This move will make your body into a "V" shape.
  • Make sure not to touch the ground with your hands otherwise, this will nullify the core activation.
  • You can bring your hands stretched upward.
  • Hold this position for as long as you can.

Do 3 to 4 sets and try to reach failure in each set.

Now let's move on to the

Six pack workout routine at home

In this routine, we include all the exercises which are shown above in this article. If you are just starting abs training then you can follow this routine

Monday: Ab crunches, Leg raise, Russian twist

Wednesday: Ab crunches, Leg raise, Russian twist

Friday: Ab crunches, Leg raise, Russian twist

You have to perform an abs workout with one day of rest. You can change this plan according to your convenience by just making sure that the first day is the training day and the second is the rest day. Take rest after each training day, then train again, and so on.

If you continuously train and gain some strength in your core you can perform all these exercises which are shown above.


This was the end of “six pack workout routine at home” and the thing that you need to know is that proper rest and proper diet with this workout help to build your abs if you are training frequently and do not take the rest that will not give you abs. If you like this workout routine share this with your friends and gym partners.

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