Top 7 triceps workout at home with dumbbells

You just have a pair of dumbbells and wanna build your triceps. So is it possible to train triceps muscles with just a pair of dumbbells? And the answer is yes, so here we come with the top 7 triceps workout at home with dumbbells. There are many exercises and their variation you can shuffle in exercises and hit different fibers of the triceps.

Top 7 triceps workout at home with dumbbells

These exercises are performed with dumbbells so you can do these exercises anywhere like at home, at the gym, or at a park. Do each and every exercise with slow movement with full mind and muscle connection.

Perform the concentric movement fast and do the eccentric motion in a slow and controlled manner. This will help you to fast muscle growth not only in the triceps but you can do this in any kind of exercise.

What makes triceps muscle?

The triceps is present at the back of our arm which is a bigger muscle than the biceps it consists of 3 major muscles:-

Long head:- This is the biggest muscle in the triceps muscle group. You can activate these muscles by extension of arms, and by shoulder extension.

Medial head:- It is the shortest muscle present in the triceps; its function is the extension of the forearms.

Lateral head:- It is the second biggest muscle in the triceps. Its function is occasionally for high-intensity force.

You can train your triceps with the movement of elbow extension. Also, the long head of the triceps is attached to the shoulder joint so it activates when we perform shoulder extension.

Triceps Workout at home with dumbbell

So, let's move toward exercising our triceps workout. And our first exercise is:-

Triceps kickback

This is one of the best exercises for triceps with a dumbbell. Triceps kickback majorly trains the lateral head of the triceps and works on the medial and long head too. In this exercise, you have to lean forward and push the dumbbell backward like you are kicking it back. Doing this exercise till failure is gonna build your lateral head bigger.

How to do:

  • Grab a dumbbell in one hand and kneel down the opposite leg on a bench or on a stair or you can just slightly bend your knees.
  • Then if you are using a bench or something then place your same side of the hand on the bench and take support.
  • Let your other hand hang and keep your back straight and look forward throughout the exercise.
  • Being your elbow close to your rib you can feel the activation in your triceps.
  • Then kick back the dumbbell and straighten your arm backward, hold this position for a second.
  • Slowly bring it back down close to you, this movement should be very slow.
  • Do as many reps as you can.

Next exercise is 

You should all check this out: Top 7 killer chest and biceps workout

Close grip dumbbell press

This is another exercise that trains the lateral head primarily. And this is a dumbbell variation of the close grip barbell press which works on the same muscle. We are using dumbbells for this exercise, so we have to use dumbbells just like the barbell.

Stick both the dumbbells together and don't take away them throughout the exercise and perform the pressing move.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the bench or on the bed or you can lie down on the floor.
  • Keep the dumbbells in your hand and bring them just above the chest with straight hands.
  • Stick the dumbbells with each other and bring them close to the chest.
  • Your hands should be tucked in while bringing the dumbbell up and down.
  • Hold at the lowest position dumbbells should not touch your chest.
  • Then push it back to the top and feel your triceps.
  • Repeat this move till failure and have a great pump in your triceps muscle.

This exercise also works on the chest, shoulder, and a bit on the back and core.

The next triceps dumbbell workout is

Dumbbell skull crusher

This exercise is a dumbbell variation of skull crushers. You can do this exercise on a bench or on the floor. If you do this exercise on the bench it will increase your range of motion and give you extra benefits.

Dumbbell skull crushers primarily work on the long head log triceps and also train the other head of the triceps. Make sure to keep the dumbbell horizontally during this move.

How to do:

  • First, grab a pair of dumbbells with your hands.
  • Then lie down on the floor or on the bench.
  • Keep your elbows just above your shoulder level and straighten your hands.
  • At this position, your palms should face towards the direction of your legs.
  • This is your starting position. If you are using a bench for this exercise then bring your elbow back or perform shoulder extension.
  • At this position, you can feel the activation of your triceps muscle.
  • Breathe in and bring the dumbbells back without any movement in your elbows.
  • Hold at the lowest point for a second then push it back upward.
  • Do as many reps as you can in 3 sets.

Close grip dumbbell triceps pushups

This push-up with close hand placement is one of the best variations which work on the triceps. You can say this is a better version of diamond hand push-ups because in diamond hand push-ups many people are not comfortable with their hand position and shoulders alignment.

You can do this with dumbbells or without dumbbells. We prefer to do this with dumbbells because it activates your triceps fibers more than without dumbbells.

How to do:

  • Place both of your dumbbells on the floor parallelly and close to each other as you're comfortable to do with.
  • The distance between the dumbbell should be a bit shorter than the shoulder width.
  • Then grab them and put your whole body weight on your hands and toes.
  • Keep your back straight and head, back, and hips in a straight-line position.
  • Breathe in then bring your chest close to the dumbbell by bending your elbows.
  • Hold at the lowest position and push yourself back up.
  • Do reps till failure and 3 to 4 sets of this exercise.

Tate press

Tate press is another lying exercise for the triceps. This exercise movement is similar to skull crushers. But in this move, we move the hands inward and the fist is facing towards the direction of the opposite side of the shoulder.

This causes a bit of shifting of the tension in the long head to the lateral and medial head. However, the primary working muscle is the long head and it increases bit activation of the lateral and medial head. You can do this move with both hands at a time or train one by one.

How to do:

  • First, grab a dumbbell according to your triceps lifting capacity.
  • Then lie down on the floor while facing upward.
  • Keep your hands straight up above the shoulder level.
  • Bring your hand with the dumbbell towards the direction of the other side of the shoulder.
  • Bend your elbow and bring the dumbbell down close to your shoulder.
  • Do not move your elbow otherwise, this moves the tension from the triceps to the shoulder.
  • Hold when your hand just passes the angle of 90 degrees.
  • And then push this back up and keep the elbow straight
  • Make sure to keep the dumbbell vertically during the exercise.

Seated dumbbell tricep extension

This is another one of the best triceps exercises with dumbbells. Seated dumbbell triceps extension helps you to train all heads of triceps and gain good size in your arms. Just perform this exercise at last with reps till failure and then gain the results.

Do not lift heavy for this exercise. Start doing with lightweight and slowly increase it otherwise it can hurt your elbow joint, Let your arms get used to it.

How to do:

  • First, seat down on a bench or a chair and grab one dumbbell in your hand.
  • Make the grip on the bulging part of it and bring it behind the back by swinging above your one-side shoulder.
  • Then Bring it up just above your head and keep your arms straight.
  • Breathe in and bend your elbow so that the dumbbell gets closer to your traps.
  • When it slightly passes the angle of 90 degrees holds at this position for a second.
  • Push it back up and breathe out and repeat this move.
  • Make sure to keep the dumbbell in the centerline behind the back.

Let’s move on to the next exercise of this “Triceps Workout at home with dumbbells”.

Bodyweight extension pushups

This is the best among all the bodyweight exercises for triceps. For this exercise, you don't need to use a dumbbell. Just push yourself up by your triceps, You can say this move is a pushup variation. Bodyweight extension push-ups work on all three heads of the triceps and primarily work on the long and lateral head. Do this exercise with the full range of motion and in a slow and controlled manner.

How to do:

  • Take a pushup position and place your forearms (hands to elbows) flat on the floor parallel to each other.
  • Keep your back as straight as possible.
  • And then breathe in and push yourself up with the strength of your triceps.
  • Hold for a second when your arms are straight.
  • Then get back to the starting position.
  • Make sure to bring your hands down slowly, don't hit your elbows on the floor.

Also in this exercise, you can increase and decrease the effort. If you can't do this on your legs then do this exercise on your knees instead. Or if you decrease the distance between your hands and your legs the effort will decrease and if you increase the distance between your legs and hands then this move is gonna increase the effort. You can adjust the distance of your hand to your legs by bringing your butt up and down.

How to grow triceps bigger?

So, these are the exercises of “triceps workout at home with dumbbells”. You can try these exercises and gain massive results just online with the use of a pair of dumbbells. If you have more than one pair it is good but you can do the exercise with different weighted dumbbells or with just one pair.

(If you have more than one pair)

You should increase the weight of the dumbbell after each set of each exercises. And reps will decrease after each set.

We give you 7 exercises for triceps with dumbbells. You can do 3 to 4 in one day of triceps and change the exercises on other days of triceps. You have a simple shuffle that helps you to fit all fibers of your triceps muscle.


Can you train triceps with dumbbells?

Yes, you can hit your triceps only with the use of a dumbbell. If you have a single pair of dumbbells or if you have dumbbells with different weights, it would help you to gain muscle in your triceps.

How can I build triceps with dumbbells at home?

You can build your triceps with these exercises and others are shown in this article.

DB skull crushers

bodyweight triceps extension push-ups

Triceps kickback

Tate press

How do I tone my triceps with dumbbells?

We showed the best triceps toning workout only with the use of one pair of dumbbells. You can build serious muscle mass with these exercises. We showed you the total top 7 exercises for triceps with dumbbells you can do anywhere you want. So that you can shuffle between the exercises and show you how to perform them incorrect form.

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